Film about my faulty eyes and how this influenced my relation to images.
Rally Mongol - Travel TV Show
Every year, a couple hundred lunatics take their cars from England and drive all the way to Mongolia in the quest to find a bit of adventure and stupidity. It's the Mongol Rally! A rally with no defined routes and no order of arrival. The objectives are to make your life less boring and to drive English cars to Mongolia and donate them to charity in Mongolia.
The tv series " Rally Mongol" is about 4 Brazilians breaking through borders of Eurasia through out 10 episodes. I not only participated in the rally as a character but also filmed, produced and conceptualized the show.
This is a trailer for the 10 episode show we made. My role included producing, image caption and conceptualizing the project.
Raphael Erichsen wrote a book about the trip and it was published.
Nikolai Gogol "Diary of a Mad Man"
Book I illustrated and Bookbinded based on the short Story by Nikolai Gogol "Diary of a Mad Man". All text was typed in an old type writer.
Illustration - Stamp with Nankin
Book Binding - Screen printing
The fast pace in with which information is consumed today packs a world to be seen always in the same way.
We end up looking for new looks through visual solutions already created.
We are always looking with the eyes of others and forgetting our own.
And the look is the most individual thing in the human being. So a simple story can make a thousand new different and unique ways.
Reading - a prose, a poem or even a simple sentence - creates a completely different imagery world for each.
Text is nothing more than the image in its pure state.
So let's rescue it.
Tendrly - Short Film
A lonely girl has a virtual crush. She waits for him to answer her messages. When he finally does, they have a virtually weird and ghostly encounter.
Exercise for a media design class I took during my first semester of a Media Studies Masters program at The New School in New York City.
I had fun experimenting with lighting, screen tracking and sound design.
Special Thanks to my muse, Katerina Varda and my flatmate David Imani who play the characters.